Flash Animations การทดลองทางฟิสิกส์ ชุด Forces and Measurement A+ A- Print Email Flash Animations การทดลองทางฟิสิกส์ ชุด Forces and Measurement คลิกชมตามลิงค์ด้านล่าง 01. Dynamometer | measurement of forces 02. Mass vs Weight 03. How to draw forces 04. Relationship between mass & weight | Earth, Moon, Mars 05. Buoyancy | Archimedes principle 06. Equilibrium with three forces : Exercise 1 07. Equilibrium with three forces : Exercise 2 08. Lorentz force | application | rail gun | right hand rule 09. Lorentz force | application | electric motor 10. Lorentz force | application | speaker